Commercial Loan

HUD and FHA Loans
$2,000,000 – $50,000,000
- Full Amortization
- Long terms
- Non-recourse
- Very low fixed rates.
If you’re looking for long-term loans featuring full amortization and fixed rates, then FHA or HUD loans might be the answer. Consider these programs if you’re acquiring, refinancing or newly constructing or rehabilitating the following:
- Healthcare facilities
- Hospitals
- Multifamily rental units
- Senior housing .

Project Loan Funding
A. 10M to 2 Billion Loan Program
- Anything loan amount lower than 10M will need an exception
- Need 10% Reserve.
- Can use Proof of Fund for the 10% if needed (We have an investor group that can provide this.)
- Viable projects only
- Points – varies – depending on project
- Collateral is negotiable depending on project
- Fund in 45 business days
- executive summary required. Prefer business plan (this will be require by the investor once likes the project)
- Fixed terms can be loan, Joint Venture or a combination Loan and Joint Venture depending on the project as each is a case by case
- Available throughout the USA and many selected foreign countries
- Most industries considered. Business acquisitions or refinance, commercial real estate, construction, Energy Project, Oil, etc.
B. 80M+ There is no Max
- 100% Funding
- Interest Rate – 6% – 15% depending on project
- Points – varies – depending on project
- Term of Loan – up to 20 years
- Fund in 60 – 90 business days – Grace period before making 1st payment can be arranged.
- Non-recourse loan
- Collateral is negotiable depending on project
- Bridge Loans may be considered if needing quicker funding.
- Viable projects only
- executive summary required. Prefer business plan (this will be require by the investor once likes the project)
- Fixed terms can be loan, Joint Venture or a combination Loan and Joint Venture depending on the project as each is a case by case
- Available throughout the USA and many selected foreign countries
- Most industries considered. Business acquisitions or refinance, commercial real estate, construction, Energy Project, Oil, etc
Stated Income Loan
- Owner and Non-Owner-Occupied Properties
- Commercial properties from apartment to hotel to shopping mall etc
- Loan Sizes from $50,000 to $5,000,000.
- Up to 75% LTV – Up to 80% with seller held second
- 600 Credit score to qualify
- 3,5,7,8,10,15,25,30 year fixed w/rates from 6.99%
- Purchase, refinance, and cash-out refinance (limits on cash-out)
- Interest only programs available
- Closing in 3 to 5 weeks
Hard Money Loans Criteria and Rates
- Loan Size: $100,000 to $100,000,000
- Lending Area: National and International
- Collateral: We lend mainly to commercial real-estate, including raw land and development projects
- Interest Rate: Variable from 7.99% to 14% depending on collateral
- Amortization: Interest Only
- LTV: Up to 80%
- Origination Fee: 1 to 4%
- Closing time: 5 Days to 5 weeks

Contact us today for more information and one of our consultants can go over your options with you.
Complete Our Online Form

We are a nation wide business consultant
About Us
E-Funding Company was created to work with individuals whether they are just starting their business or are owners of established businesses to get the funding they require even when they have been turned down by traditional lenders.
277 Coon Rapids Blvd NW, Ste 402, Coon Rapids, MN, 55433